The power of technology to facilitate harms including misinformation, extremism, surveillance, harassment, and violence is a growing societal concern, and the focus of Trust and Safety (T&S) work. Trust & Safety: A Snapshot of the Field 2022 looks at what the work is and what it may become. 

Spurred by a wave of job openings in Summer and Fall 2021, I analyzed 112 job postings and compared them with six interviews with T&S professionals. Looking at the field itself and the degree of alignment between companies’ and workers’ perspectives on T&S work is crucial, especially in light of the subsequent layoffs.

Report findings include the functions of T&S work, the skills and mindsets needed to do the work, and trends in the field. I hope that workers can use findings to articulate areas for change and improvement within their companies and their field, and that companies will use the recommendations to improve T&S work, ultimately better protecting users and society as a whole. You can read the full report or highlights from it.

A new round of interviews is underway. Trust & Safety professionals are invited to participate in a 1-hour video interview through Arizona State University. Participation is voluntary and uncompensated, and you must be 18 or older. Please contact more information.